Books by Jimmy Cauty

Cover of Jimmy Cauty's "Stamps Of Mass Destruction Vol. II"

Stamps Of Mass Destruction And Other Creative Disasters Vol. II

The ultimate pocket size manual for the armchair art terrorist, brought to the public by the Blacksmoke Organisation and James Cauty. Cauty, legendary co-fouder of The KLF, The JAMMS and The Orb, the man who burnt one million pounds as a representative of the K Foundation, here publishes a collection ...
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The Aquarium
Cover of "A Riot In A Jam Jar" by Jimmy Cauty

A Riot In A Jam Jar: Small Word Re-Enactments

A catalogue of all 58 riots in jam jars as exhibited at the L-13 Light Industrial Workshop in June 2011. Available as hardback (bound in heavy grey book board with quarter bound cloth spine and debossed screen printed titles) or paperback edition. James Cauty's rougish and voluble approach has earned ...
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Cover of Jimmy Cauty's "Afermath Dislocation Principle 2016 Tour Guide"

The Aftermath Dislocation Principle (2016 Tour Guide)

Housed in a 40 ft shipping container The Aftermath Dislocation Principle is a monumental post-riot landscape in miniature: a dystopian model village, set somewhere in Bedfordshire, where only the police and media teams remain in an otherwise deserted, wrecked and dislocated land. This 64-page guide book features various full-page colour ...
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L-13 / Prophetic Promotions Press
The Advanced Acoustic Armaments Cookbook

The Advanced Acoustic Armaments Cookbook

The Advanced Acoustic Armaments Cookbook traces the story of Jimmy Cauty's mobile sonic weaponry between 1994 and 1997. On 64 pages it covers the various stages of the Triple A story, from the purchase and refurbishing of the Saracen APC to field tests and its utilisation as road block during ...
Written by:
L-13 / Prophetic Promotions Press