Tag: The17
Seventeen Again
Today Penkiln Burn announced Dry Run, a dry-run (obviously) for a new play by Tenzing Scott Brown titled Before During After which will be performed at PRIMEYARC this Sunday.
The Beechwood Airship Interviews
The Beechwood Airship Interviews follows author Dan Richards during his undertaking of building an airship in his art school bar and the manifold artists and craftsmen he meets on his journey. Alongside interviewees like the Manic Street Preachers and Dame Judi Dench he also dedicates one chapter to Bill Drummond…
The17 (2003 – 2016)
Notice: This page is meant to compile various of Bill Drummond’s projects which all evolved from or contributed to the choir that is known as The17. This includes No Music Day (2005) and the documentary Imagine Waking Up Tomorrow… (2015/16).
Who Are The Harmonics? (Pamphlet No. 27)
This pamphlet was originally published to answer the questions What Is Harmonic? This was one of Buckminster Fuller’s 40 Strategic Questions. These 40 questions were also taken as the basis of a work by Gavin Wade titled Strategic Questions – an ongoing series of 40 questions in 40 publications. Drummond…
The First Chapter (Pamphlet No. 29)
This pamphlet contained the first chapter of the book 17. It was originally published to be used as a promotional tool for the said book.
This book was printed in an edition of 1,000 copies to coincide with the first Ragworts Week which was celebrated in Sheffield between 30 April and 6 May 2012. 100 copies of the book are allocated for sale each Ragworts Week until all books are sold.
Back Cover Blurb THIS BOOK IS ABOUT Music, uncertainty, sitting on a ledge, night trains across Russia, Bill Drummond, drunken mercenaries on the North Sea, starting over again, a classroom of 13-year-olds, getting everything done before death, art, a river full of headless eels, girl pop, waking up to find…
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