About Us

Who We Are

We are a group of four German music enthusiasts who have been following the path of The KLF and its various incarnations for over 20 years.

What you can find on this website is a collection of facts and half-truths, lies and myths about the various activities of Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty. It is, however, beyond our capabilities to debunk every rumour spread over the years and present you the one truth regarding every aspect of their work.

But then again, that would only be half as entertaining, wouldn’t it?

We will lie to you but we will lie to ourselves as well. You will, however, see through our lies and grasp the shining truth within. We will trap ourselves in our own pretensions. Our insights will be shot through with distort rays and we will revel in our own inconsistencies. If parts get too boring just fast forward – all the way to the end if need be.The Timelords (The Manual)

Enjoy your stay.

Torsten, Daniel, Jens & Thomas

Who We Are Not

We are no official spokespersons for The KLF, its members nor its various manifestations. If you are trying to book The KLF to perform at a festival, in a club or on a stage, we won’t be able to help you. We can only suggest you read the FAQ section first, though.

All original KLF Communications (and related) images and artwork are used with permission and remain the property of their original creators.


With a legacy as huge as The KLF’s we certainly could not have done all this without the help of all those who point out corrections, offer additional input, and keep up digging new (and old) information.

Ulrik Brandt Hansen, Cally, Stephan Clarke 1980, John Cook, Adam Czarnecki, Stephen Dorphin, Aaron Evans, James Fogarty, Andy Gell, Nick Gilmour, Paul Johnston, Antti Lavo, Andrew Lee, Wolf Rüdiger von Falkenstein

… and probably many more we forgot to mention.

58 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Dear KLF ONLINE,
    Please, do you have any information about a cd PURE TRANCE -KLF CD4- featuring 12 tracks? I could just find a brief reference on The KLF Wikia.
    I look forward to reading from you soon. Thanks.

    1. Hi Mat

      Those CDs are homemade bootlegs and keep popping up on eBay all the time. We reported some of them in the past but unfortunately they don’t seem to do anything about them.

      – KLF Online

      1. Hi, FINALLY I just got one directly from a previous owner and collector, it doesn’t seem to be a bootleg, its sound is even better than JAMS CD4 in which non-KLF tracks were certainly taken and digitalized from several vinyl editions, like Liaisons D’s, Dr. Felix’s and Neon’s… for instance even Land Of Oz version is cleaner. What is strange indeed is that it doesn’t look like a commercial CD and the code on CD is different from the inlay with the front cover that can be barely read because the letters are black on back background.

      2. hi both I have your 1st and second books how to have a number 1 the easy way plus a shite room picture dusc and shag times etc im a bit obsessed sorry to say but as we say we ate all crlts from wales/cymru diolch un fawr cymru am byth yr hwly and the 2023 edition one us there any safe way to send you the books and cds all official releases to be signed and the books to be stamped with your jamms znd mmu stamped

  2. I have a copy of the pure trance CD and confirm the sound of the CD is a vast improvement on WTIL story. I believe the CD is genuine. There is some interesting information about the CD by dag808 see-https://www.discogs.com/release/8737287-Pure-Trance/reviews

    Also the barcode does suggest a 1989 release,before they were a success. Is any more known about this CD about its authenticity?

  3. Hi,
    we are about to organize the first “Cinematic Ambient Festival” in Berlin at december 17 2017. You can see here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1915567042047876/
    The venue will be a small theatre in Berlin-Schöneberg and as one of our slots we were thinking of playing the whole Chill Out Album from 1990. We thought it would be a great idea to have a little introduction to the album before playing it. We would love to invite someone who could tell the audience something about history and production of the album. Could You help us finding someone or is one of You guys available to support the event? Please contact me.

  4. Hallo,
    nochmal auf Deutsch:) Wir werden im Dezember ein kleines Festival in Berlin veranstalten und haben vor, das KLF-Album Chill Out komplett zu spielen. Hätte jemand von Euch Zeit und Lust dazu etwas zu sagen?

  5. Hi,
    There seem to be new CDs of the Chill Out album for sale online recently. Is this an unofficial release?
    If it is unofficial, is there a way to identify it from the original CD, please?


  6. Hi, I’m from Portugal.
    I’m glad that you made this tribute site.
    I hear KLF since I was a kid, I’m 38 years old now, and I still love to listen the tracks,.
    Is it true that they will come back in 23 August, with the label «K2» .?
    There is a track on youtube “K2 A.ka KLF : Fuck the Millenium»


    1. Hello Daniel

      I’ve been a KLF fan since 1989. Ive just got tickets to the Liverpool gig. be great to organise a meet up place on here for all the KLF fans going.

  7. Hello to all KLF fans,
    My school time is connected to this band. We played White room on and on in our class, teacher was going crazy:)
    Now, few days later as a collector I returned to this band and I collect everything possible to find. My plan is to put whole discography together. Is there anyone who already did this? Just to compare what I have or what I miss. Or do you have any idea if any blog/site exists with listed all versions released? Thank you so much.
    BTW: All tracks available only on vinyls I rip and remanster in professional studio, they sound amazing:)

  8. Hi there,
    Due to finances,I have a copy of The Manual and K Foundation Burn A Million Quid to sell. Both books are in great condition and have never been read. Do you know how much they are worth?

    1. Hard to put a price tag on these. “K Foundation…” appears on eBay every now and then so you shouldn’t probably expect too much, though an unread copy in good condition might be interesting to some people.

      As for The Manual it depends on whether it’s the original late 80’s A4 edition or the pocket-sized reissue. While the latter has become pretty much an odd rarity by itself, the original issue is certainly worth between 50 and 100 quid.

  9. Hi, just wanted to know, if anyone from Germany is joining this year’s Toxteth Day Of The Dead. I’m willing to join in, so please let me know. Dan

  10. Hello,
    i search the CD Space for a good price. Can you help me?
    Many thanks in advance and best regards

  11. Aloha from La Iglesia del Surf del Cristo Risueño de la Costa LTD.
    (Costacabana; ESPAÑAÑA)

    I discovered and became a big fan of KLF not via their hits or the radio

    I just ordered today on ebay the mini-LP Vinyl SHAG TIMES
    can’t wait for it!

    The JAMs is my favorite of their encarnations. pure Trolling haha

    yesterday I recorded this audio-collage inspired by them:


    LA FIN DU MONDE End Credits – Revisited 2020 (BURN, BURN, BURN)

    Starring: Vin Diesel

    Secretly inspired by The K Foundation

    ft. The Fast & The Furious, The JAMs, Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix,
    CAN, The Moog Synthesizer, Bill Hicks, The Shangri-Las,
    Vagina Dentata Organ & Sonic Youth.

    Pax et Chaos

    Salve ERIS!!!

  12. Hello! I am KLF big fan from Ukraine! Please send me her autograph “For Andrey”. It s very important for me. Please.
    My adress
    Andrey Volodin
    Popova st.64-1
    Dnepropetrovskaya obl

    1. It looks like it might have been taken from the same session as the famous “Why Sheep?” image from the White Room sleeve notes, which would mean it has been taken by Phil Ward.

  13. Hi folks. Love your website. Amongst the myths you are legends

    Bit worried about you though as no news updates since Jan? We’ve had Come Down Dawn and SSL2 and The Rites of Mu released. I know you’ve teased/signposted all of this in the January post – just wondering if any other reason?

    Anyway keep up the brilliant work. Love it.

  14. Hi KLF folks !

    any ideas because there are no new releases since 2 month?

  15. Hello, KLF Communications! I’m the researcher on an upcoming television docudrama series and I’ve been asked to find out how to license one of your music videos for use in the program. Apologies contacting you here, but hopefully you can provide a contact where I can make an official inquiry with more details? Any info you can provide is appreciated, thank you!

    1. Hi Mike! Your request is probably best handled by Domino Music. If nothing else they should at least be able to point you in the right direction.

  16. Hi, a friend passed away, and he wanted to be mumificated.
    We signed his mumufication will.
    Could you get in touch please.

  17. OMG as they say these days. Just listening to 3 A.M. on streaming. Brings backs memories. Before my first rave. Knew this music was for me. Hope to see them live one day.

  18. Hi all. I was walking along the side of the A406 in North London today and saw this:


    Is “William E Drummond” William Ernest Drummond from the KLF? I recall meeting him once (in London) and he told me how he had a bit of an inferiority complex about the city. So when he came down here used to want to make his mark on it by doing things walking through streets to spell “Bill” on his AtoZ map. Maybe he also used to tag him name in places too?

    (Also bonus: the truck driver finds something amusing!)

    1. Bill usually does rollers and paint instead of classic grafiti, but the name checks out. Well spotted either way!

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