Tag: Welcome To The Dark Ages
2023: A Record
2023 (a record by The Justified Ancients Of Mu Mu) is a 7″ single containing two tracks of the full audiobook of 2023: A Trilogy narrated by Daisy Campbell. Released in 2017, the single also included a Burn The Shard poster as well as a download code for a digital copy of…
Solid State Logik 2 (12″ Master Mixes 1989-2017)
Published on 22 March 2021, Solid State Logik 2 compiles the extended singles and B-sides released on KLF Communications between 1989 and 1992 (and beyond as suggested by the compilation’s subtitle).
Whatever / Together / Forever (The WTF Trilogy)
Whatever, Together and Forever (furthermore known as The WTF Trilogy) are a series of books written by Andy Gell between 2017 and 2018, each written in a distinctive style but all centered around (or heavily influenced by) The JAMs’ work during the same period. Whatever Whatever, the first book in…
Deleted Scenes
Deleted Scenes is the autobiography of Northern Irish writer and musician Stephen Michael Clarke which includes – amongst various mentions of Bill Drummond throughout the book – a full chapter called Liberation Loophole, dedicated to The JAMS’ return to Liverpool in 2017, though with a slight twist. Back Cover Blurb…
The Eye On The Pyramid
If you don’t like to carry the hardcover edition of last year’s 2023 with you all of the time, the paperback edition will be released on March 1st, featuring an updated cover illustration as well.
2023: A Trilogy
2023 is a fiction novel written by Bill Drummond and Jimmy Cauty and released in August 2017 under their JAMS moniker. The book’s midnight launch marked the beginning of their three-day “Welcome To The Dark Ages” event in Liverpool. Originally released as hardcover edition 2023 also has been made available…
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