Confusion Incorporated (A Collection Of Lies, Hoaxes And Hidden Truths)

Confusion Incorporated is a compilation of stories and journalistic output of English writer Stewart Home, though the term “journalistic” should probably be taken with a grain of salt in this context. During his career he produced various parody pieces whose truthfulness is questionable at best (and non-existant at worst), sometimes…

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The Advanced Acoustic Armaments Cookbook

The Advanced Acoustic Armaments Cookbook traces the story of Jimmy Cauty’s mobile sonic weaponry between 1994 and 1997. On 64 pages it covers the various stages of the Triple A story, from the purchase and refurbishing of the Saracen APC to field tests and its utilisation as road block during…

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Front cover of "Rapid Eye" by Simon Dwyer

Rapid Eye

Edited by Simon Dwyer and featuring “Doctorin’ Our Culture” by Stewart Home which covers the story of the K Foundation from the first tabloid adverts to their hijacking of the Turner Prize. The whole chapter is filled with reproductions of both magazine and television adverts, as well as the correspondence…

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