A lot has been happening lately on the publishing shores of Penkiln Burn both in the virtual and the real world, with two books being released shortly and another following soon.
As of tomorrow you will be able to pick up the books Antimacassar and Best Gent Hair Salon from the titular hair salon in London. The plays containted in these books were written by Bill’s alternate self Tenzing Scott Brown between 2020 and the present while lounging there. As with other books published by Penkiln Burn both will be limited to 400 copies each.
However, for the next forty days they will be available from the Best Gent Hair Salon only, and only to those who have paid to get a haircut, shave or threading at the place. Once these forty days are over, any remaining copies will be sold via mail order through Alimentation.
A third book, White Male Gaze will be published on September 11th, coinciding with the performance of the play of the same name at PRIMEYARC. Already one day earlier this year’s stop of the 25 Paintings twelve year tour starts there with the performance of White Saviour Complex. Tickets for both evenings can be booked from Eventbrite (here and here).
The 25 Paintings will remain at PRIMEYARC until October 17th and will include many of Bill Drummond’s projects both past and recent. Its residency also coincides with the annual – and final – Ragwort Week which will be between September 13th and 19th. To celebrate the week, the last hundred copies of the book will be offered before the remaining stock is transferred to the Alimentation online store.
As always you can find more information on the above and more at the Penkiln Burn website where you can also sign up to the newsletter to make sure you never miss anything.
Sad to see Bill jumping on the self-hate trend.